Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Reports
Data tells a story. These reports speak volumes about the research and initiatives of a national nonprofit organization that is changing the face of cancer care.
Alcohol Policy and Cancer in Canada
Part of a series of policy packs, this is our 2nd iteration of this report. As brand standards shifted, we updated it to create a cohesive look and feel that brings data to the forefront and the report into alignment with the rest of the series.

The Canadian Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Competency Framework
This report includes an interactive PDF that assesses the competencies of front line workers in the cancer care community. Findings now inform hiring practices, education, and national standards in palliative care.

Pan-Canadian Framework for Action to Address Abnormal Call Rates in Breast Cancer Screening
Strength and diversity are key themes of this report. Design required a very thoughtful approach. Colour palette is both unique and brand-aligned. Photography represents a cross section of Canadian women with different cultures and attitudes, united by the experience.